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Foto Artis Di Foto dgn 'Handphone' Infra Merah Tembus Pandang

Monday, November 29, 2010

SEORANG wanita cantik telanjang keluar dari kolam berenang. Ia melenggang santai, tanpa terlihat risih berjalan mengitari kolam menuju kursi yang berjejer di tepian. Tidak lama berselang, gadis remaja berwajah lugu dengan postur bugil sedikit berlari melintas menuju kamar ganti usai berenang. Wanita-wanita yang tampak 'bugil' tersebut bukan orang gila. Mereka juga bukan kaum ekshibisionis yang gemar memperlihatkan tubuh telanjang.
gambar tidak di perlihatkan----

Sesungguhnya mereka mengenakan pakaian renang. Namun, tubuh mereka jadi tampak telanjang hanya korban dari kecanggihan teknologi kamera tembus pandang yang terpasang di handphone (HP). Baju renang yang mereka pakai justru menjadi bahan sempurna yang dapat ditembus sinar infra merah. Handphone dengan kamera xray built-in itu memungkinkan para perempuan terlihat sia-sia menutupi tubuhnya dengan pakaian renang atau senam yang umumnya terbuat dari bahan sintetis.

Kamera tembus pandang! itu bekerja pada tinta, bahan-bahan sintetis seperti baju renang, baju senam, original silk (sutera asli). Tapi tidak berfungsi pada bahan lain seperti nilon, katun dan jins. Tidak ada sistem on/off untuk Xray, jadi HP tembus pandang akan selalu keadaan on, tetapi hanya berefek pada bahan sintetis. Target banyak terdapat di kolam renang, gym/fitness, pesta, dancer.

Tidak sulit mendapatkan perangkat 'nakal' tersebut. Bahkan dalam satu iklan yang terpampang jelas di sebuah situs internet. Dilengkapi dengan tarif modifikasi yang dibutuhkan untuk setiap HP. Biayanya, minimal satu juta rupiah untuk jenis Nokia 3660 dan Sonny Ericson K500. Untuk spesifikasi HP yang lebih canggih seperti Nokia 9500 atau XDA O2, diperlukan biaya sebesar dua juta rupiah. HP akan dirombak total, karenanya lupakan garansi jika kelak HP bermasalah.

Peminatnya tidak sedikit. Menurut Edu, penjual peranti tersebut, peminat HP tembus pandang berasal dari berbagai kalangan. "Harganya! kan tidak terlalu mahal, tetapi yang beli memang punya niat jahil betul. Tiap hari ada saja! yang beli," tambahnya sambil tertawa Menurutnya, kebanyakan peminat HP jenis itu memang laki-laki. Target mereka jelas, meneropong para perempuan yang di kolam renang umum dan tempat senam atau fitness. Karena di tempat itu, para kaum hawa memang menggunakan bahan pakaian yang memungkinkan untuk ditembus hingga ke permukaan kulit.

"Teknologi sih memang gila kalau dikuasai orang-orang yang tidak berakhlak," komentar pengamat teknologi informasi, Ono W Purbo blak-blakan, Jumat (10/06). Padahal, tadinya teknologi inframerah yang digunakan untuk menembus lapisan penghalang kulit hanya digunakan dalam teknologi militer.

"Teknologi itu biasanya dipakai dalam pengintaian malam hari. Secara sederhana, sinar infra red akan menangkap panas dari tubuh. Jadi, tubuh akan terlihat jelas meski dalam keadaan gelap," paparnya. Namun yang berkembang, teknologi semacam ini digu! nakan untuk hal-hal yang menjadikan kaum perempuan sebagai korban.

Adalah Kaya Spesial Optic, Inc, sebuah perusahaan asal Jepang yang mengenalkan produk yang disebut "Infrared See Through Filter PF". Perusahaan yang mengkhususkan diri pada alat optik selama 30 tahun itu memproduksi sebuah alat yang dapat menembus pandangan dibalik permukaan objek. Pada dasarnya, apa yang dilihat manusia adalah pantulan cahaya yang merepresentasikan bagian terbatas dari spektrum elektromagnetik. Ada syarat yang harus dipenuhi sebuah objek agar dapat terlihat mata manusia normal, yaitu panjang gelombang. Radiasi sinar nframerah tidak terlihat mata manusia normal karena panjang gelombangnya tidak memenuhi syarat. Plastik merupakan bahan yang dapat membelokkan radiasi inframerah masuk ke dalam klasifikasi gelombang terlihat.

Sementara baju renang dan senam terbuat dari bahan sintesis pabrik yang pada dasarnya adalah plastik. Akibatnya, jika sinar inframerah dikenakan pada permukaan sintetis, maka ia akan membelokkan gelombang sesuai dengan prasyarat mata normal. Selanjutnya, pantulan permukaan kulit dibalik baju berbahan sintetis akan terlihat jelas. Kebebasan untuk berenang di tempat umum atau berlatih kebugaran di pusat fitness menjadi terampas. HP yang dilengkapi dengan perangkat tersebut dapat digunakan kapan saja di tempat umum tanpa terlalu mencurigakan. Kegiatan merekam dan kemudian disimpan dalam memory card tidaklah hal yang rumit. Penyebarannya lebih mudah lagi. Transfer data yang didukung oleh kemudahan teknologi, dinikmati oleh sebagian besar pemilik HP.

Penikmatnya juga tidak sedikit. "Gue sih seneng-seneng aja kalau punya file seperti itu. Apalagi gratisan," ujar Agus, seorang pekerja swasta. Kepemilikan peranti tersebut tentu legal. Tapi yang menjadi masalah adalah ketika teknologi tersebut berubah menjadi teror yang mengganggu aktivitas normal. Sementara mekanisme hukum terlalu jauh di belakang kemajuan t! eknologi! yang membuka ruang bagi intimidasi.

Kalau modus kamera tersembunyi di toilet umum atau kamar ganti bisa sedikit diakali. Sikap hati-hati dan waspada akan semua titik-titik mencurigakan sebelum menggunakan ruang publik tersebut. Namun, keberadaan HP tembus pandang tidak seperti kamera tersembunyi HP ini tidak terlihat mencolok karena modifikasinya tidak akan menghasilkan perbedaan yang kentara secara fisik. Artinya, kolam renang umum bukan lagi tempat yang menyenangkan untuk berolahraga atau berekreasi melepas kepenatan.

Teknologi memang ibarat pisau bermata dua. Kegunaannya dapat menguntungkan sekaligus mengganggu orang lain Tapi, saat pemanfaatannya merugikan sebagian orang, akan ada reaksi yang muncul. "Bagaimanapun, yang menjadi mekanisme kontrol adalah masyarakat," ujar Onno. Dengan luasnya informasi yang sampai ke masyarakat, bukannya tidak mungkin akan timbul reaksi.

Perusahaan raksasa asal Jepang, Sonny, akhirnya menghentikan ! produksi handycam x-ray dan menarik kembali produk yang sudah dilepas di pasaran. Kebutuhan akan nama baik sebuah perusahaan besar membuat Sonny mengambil langkah yang merugi jika dilihat dari sisi ekonomi sebuah produksi.

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About Tom delay Personal life

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

About Tom delay Personal life

DeLay married Christine Furrh, whom he had known since high school, in 1967. In 1972, the DeLays had a daughter, Danielle, who is now a professional dancer.

During his time in the Texas Legislature, DeLay struggled with alcoholism and gained a reputation as a playboy, earning the nickname "Hot Tub Tom". By the time of his election to Congress in 1984 he was drinking "eight, ten, twelve martinis a night at receptions and fundraisers." However, in 1985 DeLay became a born-again Christian, and later gave up hard liquor. Of the Rev. Ken Wilde, an evangelical minister from Idaho who founded the National Prayer Center in Washington, D.C., which houses volunteers who come to the capital to pray for the nation's leaders, DeLay said, "This is the man who really saved me. When I was going through my troubles, it was Ken who really stepped up." Of his conversion, DeLay said, "I had put my needs first . . . I was on the throne, not God. I had pushed God from His throne." In criticizing Newt Gingrich for secretly having an affair with a staffer while Gingrich, as House Speaker, was simultaneously impeaching President Bill Clinton for lying about his affair with White House intern Monica Lewinsky, DeLay said, "I don’t think that Newt could set a high moral standard, a high moral tone, during that moment.... You can’t do that if you’re keeping secrets about your own adulterous affairs." Differentiating between Gingrich's adultery and his own admitted adultery, DeLay said, "I was no longer committing adultery by that time, the impeachment trial. There’s a big difference.... I had returned to Christ and repented my sins by that time.

DeLay declined to comment on a 1999 report in The New Yorker that he was estranged from much of his family, including his mother and one of his brothers.[8] As of 2001, DeLay had not spoken to his younger brother, Randy, a Houston lobbyist, since 1996, when a complaint to the House Ethics Committee prompted Tom DeLay to state that he cut his brother off in order to avoid the appearance of a conflict of interest.

In 1994, Christine DeLay began volunteering as a court-appointed special advocate for abused and neglected children in foster care, and soon thereafter, the DeLays became foster parents to three teenage boys. In 2005, Christine and Tom DeLay founded Rio Bend, a "Christ-centered" foster care community in Richmond, Texas, that cares for abused and neglected children "as an answer to problems they felt plagued the current foster care system," according to the Rio Bend website, which continues, "The DeLays developed Rio Bend’s vision based on Christine’s time spent as a special advocate, as well as their experiences together as therapeutic foster parents."

In August 2009, it was reported that they own two Bichon frisé dogs named Bailey and Taylor

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about Tom DeLay

Thomas Dale "Tom" DeLay (pronounced /dəˈleɪ/; born April 8, 1947 in Laredo, Texas) is a convicted felon and a former member of the U.S. House of Representatives who represented Texas's 22nd congressional district from 1984 until 2006. He was Republican Party (GOP) House Majority Leader from 2003–2005. In 2005, after a Texas court charged DeLay with criminal violations of state campaign finance laws and money laundering, he resigned as House Majority Leader. DeLay pleaded not guilty, claiming political motivation for the charges. Additionally, two former senior aides to DeLay have been convicted in the Jack Abramoff scandal, but though the lobbyist knew DeLay, in August 2010, the United States Department of Justice closed the Abramoff-related case file against the former congressman without bringing an indictment.[1] On November 24, 2010, DeLay was convicted by a Texas jury of the primary money laundering and conspiracy charges, for which he faces life in prison. DeLay intends to appeal his conviction.[2]

Before entering politics, DeLay worked in pest control, explaining one of his nicknames, "The Exterminator." He began his long and successful career as a politician in 1978 when he was elected to the Texas House of Representatives. Until 1985, when DeLay became a born-again Christian and changed his lifestyle, another of his nicknames was "Hot Tub Tom" because of his drinking and partying. In 1988, after just a few years in the U.S. House, DeLay was appointed Deputy Minority Whip. In 1994 he helped Newt Gingrich effect the Republican Revolution, which gave the Republicans the victory in the 1994 midterm election and swept Democrats from power in both houses of Congress, putting Republicans in control of the House of Representatives for the first time in forty years. In 1995, he was elected House Majority Whip.

With the Republicans in control of both chambers in Congress, DeLay, along with Gingrich and conservative activist Grover Norquist, helped start the K Street Project, an effort to pressure Washington lobbying firms to hire only Republicans in top positions, and to reward loyal GOP lobbyists with access to influential officials. DeLay was elected House Majority Leader after the 2002 midterm elections, earning his most famous nickname, "The Hammer," for his enforcement of party discipline and retribution against those who did not support the legislative agenda of President George W. Bush. On policy issues, not just political strategy and tactics, DeLay was known as one of Capitol Hill's fiercest, staunchest conservatives during his years in Congress, earning very high marks from conservative interest groups (e.g., business, gun rights, pro-life) and very low marks from liberal ones (e.g., civil liberties, labor unions, environmental protection).

Since leaving Congress, along with tending to his legal troubles, DeLay has co-authored (with Stephen Mansfield) a political memoir, No Retreat, No Surrender: One American's Fight, founded a strategic conservative political consulting firm, First Principles, LLC, and competed on the ninth season of Dancing with the Stars, until stress fractures in his feet caused him to withdraw. DeLay made political news when he became perhaps the most famous Republican yet to promote the "birther" conspiracy theory about President Barack Obama. DeLay also remains involved in foster care, as he and his wife have founded a "Christ-centered" foster community called Rio Bend, near Richmond, Texas. The DeLays formerly fostered three teenage boys, and have one grown daughter of their own, Danielle, a professional dancer.
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10 Tricks to a Trouble-Free Thanksgiving

10 Tricks to a Trouble-Free Thanksgiving

Quick fixes for common Thanksgiving cooking crises―from an overflowing refrigerator to an undercooked turkey―will guarantee a terrific meal. 

Problem: You can’t buy all the food you’ll need for the big day in a single trip.
Solution: Divide and conquer. Besides the fact that an entire feast’s worth of grocery bags is too much for one woman to carryor one trunk to hold―you’re more likely to forget a key ingredient or encounter depleted shelves if you try to buy everything in one go at the last minute.

A month before Thanksgiving, make a master list of what you’ll need, then divide it into perishables (dairy products, eggs, produce) and nonperishables (canned goods, spices, baking supplies). Buy everything that won’t spoil as far in advance as you can. Return for the turkey, the herbs, and the cheeses a few days before you begin cooking.

Problem: You got everything inside the refrigerator, but closing the door is another story.

Solution: Empty the refrigerator of all but the essentials. “I’ve found so many things in people’s refrigerators that don’t need to be in there, like vinegars and jars of unopened jellies,” says Jennifer Clair, owner of Home Cooking New York, in New York City.

  • Make space for Thanksgiving by cleaning out unidentifiable leftovers and expired condiments and using up as much as possible of what’s in the freezer and the refrigerator.
  • Store hearty produce, like apples, fresh cranberries, and potatoes, in a cool, dry place, like the trunk of the car or the basement, says Jessica Leibovich, owner of Entrée Nous, a personal-chef and catering business in San Diego.
  • Use a beach cooler for the turkey, casseroles, dips, and other foods that must stay chilled. Filled with ice or frozen gel packs and stowed in the garage or some other cold spot out of the sun, a cooler will keep food fresh for at least 24 hours. (To make sure you’re in the safe zone, place a thermometer inside and make sure it stays below 40° F.)


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Google Doodle Features Ina Garten's Thanksgiving Recipes

Ina GartenGoogle Doodle Features Ina Garten's Thanksgiving Recipes Thanksgiving is just two days away, and Google is getting into the holiday spirit with a homepage doodle celebrating the culinary skills of TV host Ina Garten.
The Google.com doodle replaces the two O's in Google with the fresh ingredients needed for a Thanksgiving feast. Click the image, and Google will take you to a page with several recipes from Garten, also known as the "Barefoot Contessa."
"This Thanksgiving holiday, we are grateful for many things: family, friends, and of course, food," Google said in a note on its site. "Just in time for the big day, beloved cookbook author and TV chef Ina Garten offers everyone six simple yet delicious recipes to make one of the year's biggest dinner parties as easy as, well, pumpkin pie. Happy Thanksgiving, and Happy Cooking!"
Garten's recipes include roast turkey with herb and apple stuffing, popovers, smashed sweet potatoes, roasted brussel sprouts, cranberry fruit conserve, and pumpkin banana mousse tart. Garten provides a little background on each recipe, and there is the option to print if you're brave enough to recreate her Thanksgiving staples.
Garten's show, "Barefoot Contessa: Back to Basics," airs on the Food Network. For other tech-related Thanksgiving help, see PCMag's Top Free Thanksgiving Survival iPhone Apps.
Google's doodle has celebrated a variety of people and occasions lately; birthdays being a recent favorite. Earlier this month, the company celebrated Robert Louis Stevenson's 160th birthday, and in October, the company honored what would have been musician Dizzy Gillespie's 93rd birthday, as well as the would-be 70th birthday of former Beatle John Lennon. In September, the company celebrated its own 12th birthday with a doodle drawing of a cake.
Several cartoons have also received the Google doodle treatment. Google commemorated the 50th anniversary of "The Flintstones" with a picture on its home page, and it celebrated Halloween with the help of Scooby Doo. This spring, in celebration of the 30 years of Pac-Man, Google also converted its Google.com homepage to a full, playable game.
Google Ina Garten Thanksgiving Doodle
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Ina Garten, Butterball, More Provide Online Holiday Food Help

Ina Garten, Butterball, More Provide Online Holiday Food Help

Thanksgiving turkey Six of the top 10 hot searches on Google right now are focused on Thanksgiving foods and how best to prepare them, so it should come as no surprise that many of the nation's top food companies, blogs, and enthusiasts are taking to the Web to offer their expertise and recipes.
If you're not sure how long that turkey should cook, what recipe you should use for green beans, sweet potato casserole, or apple pie, there are a variety of online help links.
Epicurious: Editors from food blog Epicurious are ready to take your questions on Twitter. To ask, tweet them an inquiry with the hashtag #askepi. The site is also posting links to cooking articles like "How to Roast a Turkey" and options for vegetarians.
Ina Garten: Food Network host Ina Garten, also known as the Barefoot Contessa, has taken over Google's homepage doodle. Click on the logo, and you'll be redirected to a page featuring six of Garten's favorite Thanksgiving recipes, including herb and apple stuffing, popovers, smashed sweet potatoes, roasted brussel sprouts, cranberry fruit conserve, and pumpkin banana mousse tart.
Butterball: The fourth most popular Google search at the moment is "Butterball turkey" and the folks behind the popular brand of turkeys are out in force to answer your questions about the Thanksgiving staple. Post last-minute questions to Butterball's Facebook page, call them at 1-800-BUTTERBALL, or tweet @butterball. Rival Perdue, meanwhile, also has a holiday turkey guide on its Web site.
Chow Thanksgiving Dinner Coach: If this is your first time preparing Thanksgiving dinner, the Chow iPhone app will walk you through dishes like roasted turkey, apple and sage stuffing, sauteed green beans, and more. It will also help you set up a shopping list.
USDA: None of this delicious Thanksgiving fare will be appreciated if it's undercooked. The Agriculture Department has a quick food safety guide on its Web site, including a video (below) for how to cook a turkey. The agency also has a food safety specialist online at certain times answering your burning questions.


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Turkey Basics: Safe Cooking

Turkey Basics: Safe Cooking
A food thermometer should be used to ensure a safe minimum internal temperature of 165 °F has been reached to destroy bacteria and prevent foodborne illness.

Many variables can affect the roasting time of a whole turkey:
  • A partially frozen turkey requires longer cooking.
  • A stuffed turkey takes longer to cook.
  • The oven may heat food unevenly.
  • Temperature of the oven may be inaccurate.
  • Dark roasting pans cook faster than shiny metals.
  • The depth and size of the pan can reduce heat circulation to all areas of the turkey.
  • The use of a foil tent for the entire time can slow cooking.
  • Use of the roasting pan's lid speeds cooking.
  • An oven cooking bag can accelerate cooking time.
  • The rack position can have an affect on even cooking and heat circulation.
  • A turkey or its pan may be too large for the oven, thus blocking heat circulation.


1. Set the oven temperature no lower than 325 °F. Preheating is not necessary.

2. Be sure the turkey is completely thawed. Times are based on fresh or thawed birds at a refrigerator temperature of 40 °F or below.

3. Place turkey breast-side up on a flat wire rack in a shallow roasting pan 2 to 2 1/2 inches deep.
Optional steps:

  • Tuck wing tips back under shoulders of bird (called "akimbo").
  • Add one-half cup water to the bottom of the pan.
  • In the beginning, a tent of aluminum foil may be placed loosely over the breast of the turkey for the first 1 to 1 1/2 hours, then removed for browning. Or, a tent of foil may be placed over the turkey after the turkey has reached the desired golden brown color.

4. For optimum safety, cook stuffing in a casserole. If stuffing your turkey, mix ingredients just before stuffing it; stuff loosely. Additional time is required for the turkey and stuffing to reach a safe minimum internal temperature (see chart).

5. For safety and doneness, the internal temperature should be checked with a food thermometer. The temperature of the turkey and the center of the stuffing must reach a safe minimum internal temperature of 165 °F. Check the temperature in the innermost part of the thigh and wing and the thickest part of the breast.

6. Let the bird stand 20 minutes before removing stuffing and carving.
(325 °F oven temperature)

UNSTUFFED (time in hours)

  •  4 to 6 lb breast …… 1 1/2 to 2 1/4
  •  6 to 8 lb breast …… 2 1/4 to 3 1/4
  •  8 to 12 lbs …………  2 3/4 to 3
  • 12 to 14 lbs ………… 3 to 3 3/4
  • 14 to 18 lbs ………… 3 3/4 to 4 1/4
  • 18 to 20 lbs ………… 4 1/4 to 4 1/2
  • 20 to 24 lbs ………… 4 1/2 to 5

STUFFED (time in hours)
  •  8 to 12 lbs …… 3 to 3 1/2
  • 12 to 14 lbs …… 3 1/2 to 4
  • 14 to 18 lbs …… 4 to 4 1/4
  • 18 to 20 lbs …… 4 1/4 to 4 3/4
  • 20 to 24 lbs …… 4 3/4 to 5 1/4

More Ways to Cook a Turkey
For other cooking methods, read the publication "Turkey: Alternate Routes to the Table" as shown below:

    Just as a detour causes a car to take an alternate route, circumstances can alter the chosen cooking method for a turkey. An oven may fail at an inopportune time, a power outage may occur, and more than one large food item may need cooking.

The conventional oven—the appliance most often used to cook a whole turkey—is not the only way to get the big bird cooked safely. The following methods suggested by the USDA Meat and Poultry Hotline are alternate routes for cooking a turkey safely.
Electric Roaster Oven
This tabletop appliance serves as an extra oven for cooking a turkey or large roast. Generally, the cooking time and oven temperature setting are the same as for conventional cooking. Always check the roaster oven's use and care manual for the manufacturer's recommended temperature setting and time.

Preheat the oven to at least 325 °F. Place the turkey on the roaster oven rack or other meat rack so the turkey is raised out of the juices that collect in the bottom of the oven liner. Leave the lid on throughout cooking, removing it as little as possible to avoid slowing the cooking process.

Cooking bags can be used in the roaster oven as long as the bag does not touch the sides, bottom, or lid. Follow directions given by the cooking bag manufacturer, and use a food thermometer to be sure the temperature in the innermost part of the thigh and wing and the thickest part of the breast reaches the safe minimum internal temperature of 165 °F.

Do Not Cook in Brown Paper Bags
Do not use brown paper bags from the grocery or other stores for cooking. They are not sanitary, may cause a fire, and may emit toxic fumes. Intense heat may cause a bag to ignite, causing a fire in the oven and possibly adulterating the turkey. The ink, glue, and recycled materials in paper bags may emit toxic fumes when they are exposed to heat. Instead, use commercial oven cooking bags.

Grilling a Turkey
Outdoor cooking of a big bird for the holiday meal is becoming a popular cooking method. During grilling, a turkey cooks by indirect heat in an outdoor covered gas or charcoal grill and a pan of water is placed beneath the grilling surface to catch the fat and juices that drip from the turkey as it cooks. Cooking is done by the hot, smoky, steamy air.

Covered Charcoal Grill
Turkeys that are 16 pounds or less are the recommended size for safe grilling. A larger turkey remains in the "Danger Zone"—between 40 and 140 °F—too long. Do not stuff the turkey. Because cooking is at a low temperature, it can take too long for the temperature of the stuffing to reach 165 °F. Also, smoked stuffing has an undesirable flavor.

Begin with clean equipment and a good quality charcoal. Build a pyramid of charcoal to one side. Ignite the charcoal, and let the coals get red hot. Place an appliance thermometer on the food rack to monitor the air temperature inside the grill. When the charcoal has developed white powdery ash—about 20 to 30 minutes—and the air temperature reaches 225 to 300 °F, place a drip pan with water in it to create moist, hot steam for cooking, in the center of the grill beneath where the turkey will be set and carefully push the hot coals evenly around the edge. Position the grill rack and place the prepared turkey on it (breast side up). Then place the cover on the grill.

Replenish with about 15 briquettes every hour as needed to maintain 225 to 300 °F. If desired, add water-soaked hardwood or fruitwood, in the form of chunks or chips, to add flavor to the turkey as it is cooking. Do not use a softwood (pine, fir, cedar, or spruce) because it gives the food a turpentine flavor and coats it with a black pitch or resin.

Cooking times depend on many factors: the size and shape of the turkey, the distance from the heat, temperature of the coals, and the temperature of the outside air. Always use a food thermometer. The turkey is done when the food thermometer reaches a safe minimum internal temperature of 165 °F in the innermost part of the thigh and wing and the thickest part of the breast. Estimate 15 to 18 minutes per pound if using a covered grill. A whole turkey can be successfully cooked, provided the turkey is not stuffed and has been completely thawed.

Covered Gas Grill
Gas grills have become very popular in the last few years. The gas heat can be supplied by either propane tanks or by natural gas piped from the home.

If your gas grill has only one large burner, place a pan of water under the grate to create indirect heat. Place the turkey in a roasting pan and place on top of the grill.

If the grill has two or three burners, the turkey should be placed away from the flame. This can be done by turning off one of the burners and placing the turkey in that area. When using a gas grill, always follow manufacturer's directions for cooking times.

Smoking a Turkey
Most smokers are cylinder-shaped devices and use either electricity, gas, or charcoal for heat. Follow manufacturer's directions for gas or electric smokers.

Charcoal smokers have two pans—one for charcoal and one for liquid. Smokers require a liquid to create the moist, hot smoke needed for cooking. When using a charcoal smoker, fill the pan for liquid with water, wine, apple juice, or the liquid you desire. Fill the charcoal pan with a good quality charcoal. Light the charcoal and place the cover on the smoker. When the smoker has reached an internal temperature of 225 to 300 °F, quickly place the turkey on the smoker rack and replace the cover. (Some smokers have built in temperature indicators. If yours does not, place an appliance thermometer on the smoker rack before starting your heat source.) Add charcoal every 1 to 2 hours, as necessary, to maintain 225 to 300 °F. Replenish the liquid as necessary. Heat and liquid are critical to maintaining the hot smoke that cooks the turkey.

When cooking with a smoker, start with clean equipment. Place the smoker in an area shielded from winds to maintain a safe cooking temperature. If desired, add water-soaked hardwood or fruitwood, in the form of chunks or chips, to add flavor to the turkey. Do not use a softwood (pine, fir, cedar, or spruce) as it gives the food a turpentine flavor and coats it with a black pitch or resin.

Cooking times depend on many factors: the size and shape of the turkey, the distance from the heat, temperature from the coals, and temperature of the outside air. Completely thaw the turkey before cooking. Estimate 20 to 30 minutes per pound if using a smoker. Do not stuff the turkey. Because smoking cooks at a low temperature, it can take too long for the temperature of the stuffing to reach 165 °F. Also, smoked stuffing has an undesirable flavor. Always use a food thermometer. The turkey is safely cooked when the food thermometer reaches a safe minimum internal temperature of 165 °F in the innermost part of the thigh and wing and the thickest part of the breast.

Deep Fat Frying a Turkey
A whole turkey can be successfully cooked by the deep fat frying method provided the turkey is not stuffed and has been completely thawed. The turkey should be 12 pounds or less in size.

There are safety concerns when working with such a large amount of oil. Select a cooking vessel large enough to completely submerge the turkey in oil without it spilling over. The oil should cover the turkey by 1 to 2 inches. To determine the amount of oil needed, do a preliminary test using water. Place the turkey in the cooking utensil and add water to cover. Then remove the turkey and measure the amount of water. This is the amount of oil needed.

Select a safe location outdoors for deep fat frying a turkey. Heat the cooking oil to 350 °F. Slowly and carefully lower the turkey into the hot oil. Monitor the temperature of the oil with a thermometer constantly during cooking. Never leave the hot oil unattended. Allow approximately 3 to 5 minutes per pound cooking time. Remove turkey from the oil and drain oil from the cavity. Check the temperature of turkey with a food thermometer. The turkey is safely cooked when the food thermometer reaches a minimum internal temperature of 165 °F in the innermost part of the thigh and wing and the thickest part of the breast.

If the turkey is not done, immediately return the turkey to the hot oil for additional cooking. When the turkey is done, remove it from the oil and place it on a sturdy tray lined with paper towels. The skin can be golden to dark brown to almost black. Let it rest about 20 minutes before carving.

Allow the used oil to cool before pouring it into containers for refrigerator storage. The oil can be reused if it is strained, covered, and used within a month.

Cooking an Unstuffed Turkey from the Frozen State
It is safe to roast a turkey from the frozen state; however, it will take longer than a fresh or thawed bird. To determine an approximate cooking time, consult a timetable for oven-roasting a whole turkey. Use the timing for the size turkey you have; then add 50 percent of that time to the original time. (Do not smoke, grill, deep fat fry, or microwave a frozen turkey.)

Roasting time is approximate, so check the turkey often toward the end of the estimated cooking time. Insert a food thermometer in the innermost part of the thigh when it has defrosted enough to easily insert one. Cook to an internal temperature of 165 °F. The turkey is safely cooked when the food thermometer reaches a minimum internal temperature of 165 °F in the innermost part of the thigh and wing and the thickest part of the breast.

Giblet Packages. Giblet packages and the turkey neck may be found inside the turkey cavity and/or tucked under the flap of skin at the front of the breastbone. When the turkey has sufficiently defrosted, the packages can be removed carefully with tongs and/or forks during cooking.

  • If the giblets were paper wrapped before being inserted into the turkey cavity at the plant-which is the case with most whole birds-there is no safety concern if they cook completely inside the bird.
  • If giblets were packed in a plastic bag, and the bag has been altered or melted by the cooking process, do not use the giblets or the turkey because harmful chemicals may have leached into the surrounding meat. If the plastic bag was not altered, the giblets and turkey should be safe to use.

Do Not Cook a Frozen Turkey in an Oven Cooking Bag or in the Microwave. It is not recommended to cook a turkey from the frozen state in an oven cooking bag. It is unsafe to open the bag to remove the giblets during cooking because scalding may occur. Also, spilled juices and fat may cause an oven fire.

Cooking a frozen turkey in the microwave is not recommended because it can cook unevenly and might not reach a safe internal temperature throughout. The turkey may, however, be thawed (using the defrost setting) in the microwave. Cook the turkey immediately after thawing.

Microwaving a Turkey
Turkeys can be successfully cooked in a microwave oven—whole or in parts. Turkey parts can be cooked in a dish with a lid, or cover the dish with plastic wrap and vent the top. Timing can vary because of wattage differences, so follow the recommendations in the owner's manual. A 12- to 14- pound turkey is the maximum size most microwaves can accommodate. Microwaves sometimes cook a whole turkey unevenly, so microwaving it in an oven cooking bag aids in even heat distribution. Microwaving a stuffed turkey is not recommended. The stuffing may not be cooked to the proper internal temperature when the turkey itself is done. Cook the stuffing in a separate casserole.

Allow 3 inches oven clearance on top and 2 to 3 inches of space around the bird. The time for cooking a turkey in the microwave is 9 to 10 minutes per pound on medium (50%) power. Rotate the bird during cooking to ensure even cooking.

If the bird is defrosted in the microwave, cook it immediately. Always use a food thermometer to determine doneness. The turkey is safely cooked when the food thermometer reaches a minimum internal temperature of 165 °F in the innermost part of the thigh and wing and the thickest part of the breast. After removing from the microwave, let the turkey stand 20 minutes before carving it.

Cooking Turkey in a Pressure Cooker
The availability of turkey parts such as breasts, legs, and thighs makes it possible to cook turkey in an old favorite, the pressure cooker. Used since the 1930's, a pressure cooker is a quick cooking, stove-top metal pot with a tight fitting lid bearing a dial or weighted gauge to verify the pressure.

When heated, the liquid converts to steam that, under pressure, can reach as high as 240 °F—hotter than the boiling point. As a result, food cooks in about a third or less time than conventional cooking methods. Because pressure cookers are made by various manufacturers and timing varies at altitudes above 1,000 feet, it is important to follow the manufacturer's instructions. The pressure specified must be kept constant for the recommended time, and the lid must not be removed until the pressure lowers and the pot cools.
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On the Thanksgiving day, roasted turkey should be the most welcome

By Jimmy Downs
On the Thanksgiving day, roasted turkey should be the most welcome entree on your thanksgiving dinner menu. Here i am offering you a roasted turkey recipe to give you some idea about how to cook a turkey just in case you need some help.
Remember turkey recipes are everywhere but they are fairly similar. Once you learn to cook one turkey recipe, you will be able to make some turkey recipes by yourselves.
Basically you need a few things to prepare a roasted turkey. They are a turkey, frozen or fresh, a turkey brine solution, and aromatics or flavor booster.
One handsome frozen turkey (about 15 pounds). It can be fresh. If frozen, your turkey needs to be thawed at cool temperature so that bacteria will not compete for the turkey with you.
(This is just one turkey brine recipe you can use for your roasted turkey. You make adjust it.)
1 cup salt
half cup brown sugar
1 gallon vegetable stock
1 tablespoon black peppercorns
1.5 teaspoons allspice berries
1.5 teaspoons chopped ginger
1 gallon iced water

Flavor booster or aromatics:

1 apple, sliced
half onion, sliced
1 cinnamon stick
1 cup cold water
5 spings rosemary
6 leaves of sage
canola oil

Instruction on how to cook a turkey
1) A frozen turkey needs to be thawed in a refrigerator or in cool water in a couple of days. (Never thaw your turkey at room temperature, which allows bacteria to grow and multiply rapidly.)
2) Any time today on Wednesday Nov 25, 2009, it is time for you to prepare a turkey brine solution based on the turkey brine recipe shown above. Simply mix all the ingredients in a large stockpot and use medium to high heat to bring the temperature to about 212 oF (boiling point of water). Stir as often as you want. Once the brine reaches its boiling point, remove it from the heat and cool it to room temperature and refrigerate. (You may use other ingredients. But sugar is definitely necessary to promote browning and get your turkey some brown and roast flavor note which is important for a roasted turkey. You may use other types of sugars though.)
3) Sometime today or tonight, you need to apply the turkey brine solution to the bird. First, simply combine the brine, water, and ice in a 5-gallon bucket. And second, place the thawed turkey with all innards removed breast side down in the brine solution. Make sure the bird is completely covered and everything in the bucket is moved to the regifer4ator or a cool area and let it sit for overnight. (Give it enough time at least 12 hours, so the bringing of your turkey can be complete.)
4) A few hours before you want to eat, prepare to roast your turkey. First, pre-heat your oven to 500 oF. Second, take your turkey out of the brine. Use cheesecloth and pat dry the turkey inside and out.
Combine the sliced apple, onion, and cinnamon stick and a cup of water for the flavor booster in a dish and microwave it on high for five minutes. And add steeped booster to the turkey's cavity along with saga and rosemary. Tuck the wings underneath the turkey and coat the skin with canola oil. (The coating of the oil is important as it prevents loss of moisture and keep the bird juicy after the roasting is completed).
Place the turkey on lowest level of the oven and roast it for 30 minutes. And then lower the oven temperature to 350 oF. Monitor using a probe thermometer the temperature of the thickest part of the breast and make sure that the inner temperature will not exceed 161 oF. For a 15-pound turkey, it may take 2 to 2.5 hours or a bit longer to get the roasting done. (Over roasting could dry the turkey and the turkey will not be as juicy).
After roasting, cover the turkey with foil and let it sit for 15 to 20 minutes before carving. (This will make your carving a bit easier).
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How long to cook a turkey

 Size of Turkey
4 to 6 pounds (breast)
1 1/2 to 2 1/4 hours
Not usually applicable
6 to 8 pounds (breast)
2 1/4 to 3 1/4 hours
2 1/2 to 3 1/2 hours
8 to 12 pounds
2 3/4 to 3 hours
3 to 3 1/2 hours
12 to 14 pounds
3 to 3 3/4 hours
3 1/2 to 4 hours
14 to 18 pounds
3 3/4 to 4 1/4 hours
4 to 4 1/4 hours
18 to 20 pounds
4 1/4 to 4 1/2 hours
4 1/4 to 4 3/4 hours
20 to 24 pounds
4 1/2  to 5 hours
4 3/4  to 5 1/4  hours

How long to cook a turkey?
Use the Turkey Cooking Time Chart to determine how long to cook your turkey. These times are approximate and based on fresh or thawed birds at a refrigerator temperature of 40 °F or below.
Is it safe to cook a turkey from the frozen state?
Yes, the turkey cooking time will take at least 50 percent longer than recommended for a fully thawed turkey. Remember to remove the giblet package during the cooking time. Remove carefully with tongs or a fork.
Can I cook two turkeys at the same time?
Cooking two turkeys of about the same weight does not double the roasting time. Turkey cooking time is determined by the weight of one bird. Just make sure there is sufficient oven space for proper heat circulation.
What about storing leftovers?
  • Bacteria spread fastest at temperatures between 40 °F and 140 °F, so chilling food safely reduces the risk of foodborne illness. Discard any turkey, stuffing, and gravy left out at room temperature longer than 2 hours. Divide leftovers into smaller portions. Refrigerate or freeze in covered shallow containers for quicker cooling.
  • Use refrigerated turkey, stuffing, and gravy within 3 to 4 days or freeze it. Use frozen turkey and stuffing leftovers within 2 to 6 months for best quality. Reheat to 165 °F or until hot and steaming. Gravy should come to a rolling boil.
Can I call the Meat & Poultry Hotline on Thanksgiving Day?
Yes! The Hotline will be staffed from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. Eastern Time on Thanksgiving Day. Call us toll-free at 1-888-674-6854. (Our usual hours are Monday through Friday, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., Eastern Time.) You can also ask a question in English or Spanish at AskKaren.gov, available 24 hours a day
This Thanksgiving turkey has been heated to a safe minimum internal temperature of 165 °F, as indicated by the food thermometer. Bacteria is destroyed at this temperature, preventing foodborne illness.
This Thanksgiving turkey has been heated to a safe minimum internal temperature of 165 °F, as indicated by the food thermometer. Bacteria is destroyed at this temperature, preventing foodborne illness.
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Countdown to Thanksgiving: Cooking the Turkey

Countdown to Thanksgiving: Cooking the Turkey

This article may give readers some idea about how long to cook a turkey. Please note that how long to cook a turkey depends upon a number of variables such as the size of turkey and cooking temperature etc.
Posted by Diane Van, Manager, USDA's Meat and Poultry Hotline, on November 23, 2010 at 12:28 PM
November is the busiest month of the year for those of us on the USDA Meat & Poultry Hotline. During the week of Thanksgiving, we get lots of questions about how to safely cook a turkey. Here are answers to the questions we hear most often.
How can I tell when the turkey is done?
Whether you roast, brine, deep fry or smoke your turkey, always use a food thermometer to check the temperature of the meat. You won’t overcook your turkey, and you can ensure it has been cooked to a safe minimum internal temperature of 165 °F to destroy bacteria and prevent foodborne illness. Check the temperature in the innermost part of the thigh and wing and the thickest part of the breast. If the turkey is stuffed, the stuffing must also reach 165 °F.
How long to cook a turkey?
Use the Turkey Cooking Time Chart to determine how long to cook your turkey. These times are approximate and based on fresh or thawed birds at a refrigerator temperature of 40 °F or below.

Turkey Cooking Time Chart

Turkey Roasting ChartFor a fresh or thawed turkey:
  1. Set the oven to 325 °F.
  2. Cook to 165 °F.


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Michael Jackson's video shoot for single 'Hold My Hand' may have been sabotaged with email

Michael Jackson's video shoot for single 'Hold My Hand' may have been sabotaged with email

Michael Jackson's posthumous single 'Hold My Hand' got another dose of drama - via email.
Michael Jackson's posthumous single 'Hold My Hand' got another dose of drama - via email.

Today in Gatecrasher

Is there a saboteur in the House of Jackson?

A spy at Monday's video shoot for "Hold My Hand," the Michael Jackson/Akon single from the highly anticipated "Michael" album, was almost derailed by a seemingly official email telling participants that the production had been postponed.

Shortly before cameras rolled at a former Marine Corps blimp hangar in Tustin, Calif., the source says a seemingly "legitimate" email, purportedly from the "Michael Jackson Estate," was received by participants informing them that due "to recent weather forcasts" (sic), the shoot had been "postponed" until tomorrow.

The spy says the notice was quickly followed by two more emails instructing recipients to disregard the schedule change.

What's not clear is whether the first email was an innocent mixup or, as our spy suspects, a deliberate attempt to hamper the video shoot, which was directed by Mark Pellington of "U2 3D" fame.

"Michael," to be released Dec. 14, was controversial even before it had a name. Members of the late singer's family and  even the co-executor of his estate, John McClain, have reportedly challenged the authenticity of the Jackson vocals, prompting Sony to bring in forensic experts, who concluded they're real.

Although a Sony spokeswoman did not respond to questions by deadline, a Jackson camp insider tells us, "We've had a lot of fake documents shooting around."

According to our spy at the shoot, approximately 200 fans "danced freestyle" to "Hold My Hand" for the cameras. They also released white balloons en masse and shouted, "We love you, Michael!"

The spy adds that "a little girl dressed like an angel" was present, which jibes with reports that extras were asked to walk through the darkened hangar toward a bright light — symbolic of Jackson's ascent to heaven.

We hear the "Hold My Hand" video will premiere Dec. 6 on ABC, the same day Oprah Winfrey is to interview Jackson's friend and producer Teddy Riley, who has been outspoken about the controversy behind "Michael."
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Willow Palin slams Facebook attackers, defends Bristol going into 'Dancing with the Stars' finale

Willow Palin slams Facebook attackers, defends Bristol going into 'Dancing with the Stars' finale

Willow Palin (l.) is hitting back at reports she hid a hard-partying lifestyle.
Willow Palin (l.) is hitting back at reports she hid a hard-partying lifestyle.

As Bristol Palin's wild ride on "Dancing with the Stars" comes to an end, at least one viewer is rooting for her success: her sister Willow.
"Today I am focusing on a special event—Bristol and [partner] Mark [Ballas]'s appearance in the Dancing With the Stars finals," Willow told E! News on Tuesday. "Nothing said today will take away how proud we are of Bristol and her grit and determination that got her this far."
Bristol has been a tabloid fixture during the competition, and Willow herself drew fire last week when she was caught using homophobic rants on her Facebook page.
Bristol later apologized for her sister's comments, adding that she was sorry for joining in the fray herself and posting her own nasty remarks towards critics of her mother's show.
On Tuesday, Willow, 16, also took the opportunity to hit back at a Life & Style report she called "ridiculous," which cited several former classmates who claimed she was hiding a hard-partying past.
One source said he had seen Willow engage in a late night drug deal, while another said the then-15-year-old "chugged" vodka at a house party.
"It is disappointing to see people who claim they know me to sell stories," Willow told E.
"As for people accusing me of being at a party over a year ago, the accusations are ridiculous. The same people saying this were also the ones attacking my family on Facebook. Unfortunately some people have learned that there are publications that will pay money for stories, no matter how misleading."
Despite tough coverage in the press, Willow says she embraces her high profile family and has high hopes for her sister.
"I recognize that my family has been given a great honor and privilege to make a difference in this country, and even though I am just 16, more is expected of me," she said. "That being said, I say this to Bristol and Mark (with a hat tip to Lady Gaga)—Just Dance!"

Read more: http://www.nydailynews.com/gossip/2010/11/23/2010-11-23_willow_palin_slams_facebook_attackers_defends_bristol_going_into_dancing_with_th.html#ixzz16CJXNT6K
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Bloods gang member busted for serving as personal shopper to NYC gun buyers

Bloods gang member busted for serving as personal shopper to NYC gun buyers

Suspected Bloods gang member Kyle Leonard indicted for running guns from North Carolina.
Ward for News
Suspected Bloods gang member Kyle Leonard indicted for running guns from North Carolina.

Related News

A Bloods gang member served as a personal shopper for gun buyers, taking text-message orders from Brooklyn and Manhattan and driving to North Carolina to fill them, prosecutors said.
Kyle Leonard, 25, sold the firepower - including an assault rifle - out of the trunk of his car, Brooklyn District Attorney Charles Hynes said Tuesday.

Leonard was nailed by NYPD undercover cops who managed an introduction, texted orders to his cell phone and bought $17,500 worth of arms from him in a year.
"This is somebody who contributed to the carnage on our streets," Hynes said in announcing the indictment.
"Something ought to be done to tighten up the way guns are sold, particularly in the South," said the DA, who noted 111 people, including 34 teens, were shot to death in the borough this year.
A native of Brooklyn, Leonard moved to North Carolina and set up shop there, often changing his phone number and aliases to avoid detection, Hynes said.
In one major purchase order in June, undercover cops paid Leonard $5,700 for two Berretta semi-automatic pistols, one Cal Taurus revolver, three more semi-automatic handguns and a Bushmaster AR15 assault rifle.
In total, the cops bought 22 weapons said NYPD Lt. Rhonny King who worked on the investigation which is continuing.
"We don't know how many more guns he sold but we know there were other buyers," Hynes said.
Leonard was held pending a bail hearing today. Prosecutor Edward Caroll said he would request $1 million bail.

Read more: http://www.nydailynews.com/news/ny_crime/2010/11/23/2010-11-23_bloods_gang_member_busted_for_serving_as_personal_shopper_to_nyc_gun_buyers.html#ixzz16CCz0h3V
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Pigheaded Mayor Bloomberg made ill-informed choice when naming Cathie Black as schools chancellor

Pigheaded Mayor Bloomberg made ill-informed choice when naming Cathie Black as schools chancellor

Mayor Bloomberg named Cathie Black as Joel Klein's successor. But education experts say mayor made poor choice in vote Tuesday.
Mayor Bloomberg named Cathie Black as Joel Klein's successor. But education experts say mayor made poor choice in vote Tuesday.
Mayor Bloomberg doesn't mind picking a fight. But after nine years in office, he should have learned to pick his battles.
He has famously tried - and failed - to build a West Side football stadium, charge tolls into lower Manhattan and turn the Kingsbridge Armory into a huge shopping center.
There was no shame in those losses, though. No matter what you thought of them, they were legitimate ideas with solid backing that deserved a hearing.
Trying to put a magazine executive in charge of the city schools is a different story.
Bloomberg may have been the only person in New York who didn't see a downside in naming Cathie Black to be schools chancellor.
"He was thinking about an out-of-the-box candidate who would carry on Joel Klein's legacy and be sort of a maverick," said consultant George Arzt, a longtime student of New York mayors.
"I'm sure in his mind he thinks that this is right for the city," Arzt said. "But there were no other candidates interviewed - and it showed."
Even Black's supporters knew a boarding-school mom with a corporate résumé would be a tough sell, no matter how strong a manager she is.
Bloomberg's inner circle could have told him that - had he bothered to tell them about Black before he made up his mind.
"He went into this by himself, and in fact it was revealed that the emperor had no clothes," said Baruch College political scientist Doug Muzzio.
The mayor's team could have quietly reached out to state Education Commissioner David Steiner to see how he would react, or to at least give him an early heads-up.
Instead, the aides who get paid to build support for his controversial ideas - like lifting the charter school cap or extending term limits - were playing defense from the start.
Public school parents understood the problem of a boss with no experience, and 62% of them told a Quinnipiac University poll they didn't want Black.
Bloomberg thinks he knows better - but six of eight experts on the state education commissioner's panel agreed with the parents.
Three years ago, the mayor said, "I have always joked that [the difference between] having the courage of your convictions and being pigheaded is in the results."
The results are in. As he looks to salvage Black's nomination, he should look in the mirror, too.

Read more: http://www.nydailynews.com/ny_local/education/2010/11/24/2010-11-24_pigheaded_mike_let_himself_get_stymied.html#ixzz16CBt3C3o
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Former teacher Jennifer Riojas freed on $20,000 bond

Former teacher Jennifer Riojas freed on $20,000 bond; accused of having sex with underage student

Jennifer Rojas was charged with sexually assaulting an underage student.
Texas DPS
Jennifer Rojas was charged with sexually assaulting an underage student.
A Texas teacher who is allegedly pregnant with her 16-year-old student's child was freed on a $20,000 bond on Monday, ABC news reported.
Jennifer Riojas, a 26-year-old science teacher at Carter-Riverside High School in Fort Worth, Texas, reportedly began an affair with a then-sophomore student in her class just months after starting at the school in August of 2009.
In court documents, the student told school officials he was 16 when he began to have sex with his teacher. He said Riojas even began attending his school football games, and the two would spend his lunch period together and drive to area motels to sleep together.
If Riojas tried to keep her highly illegal alleged underage affair a secret, she failed miserably.
"I heard some rumors," one student told local television station WFAA.
Riojas even reportedly came to visit the student in the hospital while he was recovering from an injury sustained on the football field – and had sex with him in the hospital bed.
In between her trysts with the student, Riojas married another man, Armando Chavez in November of 2009. They filed for divorce four months later, according to WFAA.
It took until Riojas became pregnant for the student to come forward, the court documents reveal, because he feared he was the father of her child. She claimed that the father was a new boyfriend she began dating following her divorce, who is referred to as Paul in the court documents.
The allegedly tawdry teacher resigned from her job at the school in October, telling the district she was pregnant and couldn't handle the stress of the investigation.
Last week, she was charged with three counts of sexual assault of a child.

Read more: http://www.nydailynews.com/news/national/2010/11/22/2010-11-22_former_teacher_jennifer_riojas_freed_on_20000_bond_accused_of_having_sex_with_un.html#ixzz16CBGzkNb
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Ulubek Khakimov carved epithets into wife's body, threatened to kill her and baby

Ulubek Khakimov carved epithets into wife's body, threatened to kill her and baby: police

Ozoda Khanomov says her husband carved curse words into her skin, which were discovered by hospital workers.
Murray for News
Ozoda Khanomov says her husband carved curse words into her skin, which were discovered by hospital workers.

Hospital workers prepping a Brooklyn woman for childbirth made a horrific discovery - ugly slurs she claimed were carved into her body by her sadistic husband.
Now he's under arrest, accused of using a house key to gouge out chunks of her flesh and then threatening to kill and her baby.
"He started beating me on the day of our wedding," Ozodoa Khakimov, 23, an immigrant from Uzbekistan, told the Daily News. "One time he wrote bad words on my leg, and another time with a key on my neck."
The bizarre mutilation came to light on Friday when Khakimov went to Coney Island Hospital for an emergency C-section.
Staffers discovered scars that spelled out the words "bitch" and "whore" in Cyrillic, the alphabet of her native land, law enforcement sources said.
Shocked hospital staffers called the NYPD, which sent over a cop who speaks Uzbek and translated her tale of horror.
She described how her husband, Ulubek, 26, whom she married in Uzbekistan last December, had sliced the epithets into her skin before they came to U.S. - so he was not charged in connection with those.
But he used a key to carve up her chest, thighs, neck and stomach while the couple lived in Midwood, starting in August and as recently as last week, the victim said.
"On top of that, he was beating me while I was pregnant," said Khakimov, adding that she stayed with her husband because "I thought he was my family."
Just before midnight Friday, Ulubek Khakimov called his wife at the hospital and said he was coming there to kill her and the newborn, Muhammed Ali, court papers say. When he arrived, cops were waiting and arrested him.
He told police his wife was "making the accusations" of mutilation because she wants a divorce, sources said.
He was charged with 27 counts of assault, menacing, criminal possession of a weapon and harassment.
After his arraignment Sunday, he was held in lieu of $100,000 bail.
"I feel safe. I have peace in my mind," Khakimov said of her husband's arrest. "Now I have a son to take care of. I have a new man in my life."

Read more: http://www.nydailynews.com/ny_local/brooklyn/2010/11/22/2010-11-22_man_carved_epithets_into_womans_body_threatened_to_kill_her_and_their_newborn_ba.html#ixzz16C7u9Pqi
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Relatives shocked by 'Ugly Betty' actor Michael Brea's alleged savage sword slay of mother

Relatives shocked by 'Ugly Betty' actor Michael Brea's alleged savage sword slay of mother

Michael Brea, 31, lived with his mother, Yannick, and twin brother, Marcel, in an apartment in Prospect Heights, Brooklyn.
Michael Brea, 31, lived with his mother, Yannick, and twin brother, Marcel, in an apartment in Prospect Heights, Brooklyn.
Yannick Brea's sister Gina Dumond grieves outside home.
Yannick Brea's sister Gina Dumond grieves outside home.

Grief-stricken relatives of Michael Brea struggled Tuesday to understand how the handsome aspiring actor known for his calm demeanor could hack his mother to death.
"The boy is a quiet man," said Brea's uncle, Martial Brea. "He's very smart. He's had a good life. He made money easily. He's in the movies.
"It's something that's impossible to believe. I would believe someone else [did it], but not him."
Brea, 31, lived with his mother, Yannick, and twin brother, Marcel, in an apartment in Prospect Heights, Brooklyn. The three attended church every Sunday when the boys were growing up, but the sons drifted away as they grew, neighbors said.
Brea's mother and father, Marcel, are Haitian immigrants. They are divorced, but friends and relatives said there were no family problems.
"His mother raised [Michael] to be loving," said neighbor Vernal Bent. "She was a wonderful mother. She was always cooking black beans and Creole food. On New Year's [Day], she made this traditional soup that was amazing."
As recently as Sunday, neighbors said Brea seemed in good spirits and normal.
"He was getting ready to move," neighbor Clinton Clare said. "He was talking about girls and was real cool. It's just mind-boggling."
Brea earned a living as a business entrepreneur and off his movie-star looks.
Until a year ago, he owned a Subway sandwich franchise in Brooklyn, making a name for himself by handing out free turkey heroes on Thanksgiving.
He told the film website BelFim.com last year that his mom taught him generosity.
"I remember growing up and my mother was always feeding people who were less fortunate," he said.
Brea first used his good looks as a clothing model, the website said. His face was also plastered on billboards and in magazine advertisements promoting Coca-Cola's energy drink Full Throttle.
He broke into TV with a small part on an episode of ABC's former sitcom "Ugly Betty." He later appeared this year in the dance movie "Step Up 3-D."
Brea told BelFim.com that he pursued acting to promote his Haitian roots, BelFim.com said.
"I want my fellow American brothers and sisters to know the history of Haiti," Brea said. "I want to report the history of both worlds [Haiti and America] through film."

Read more: http://www.nydailynews.com/ny_local/2010/11/24/2010-11-24_relatives_shocked_by_ugly_betty_actor_michael_breas_alleged_savage_slay_of_mothe.html#ixzz16C7TfdvT
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President Obama comes to support of South Korea, condemns North Korea for outrageous attack

President Obama comes to support of South Korea, condemns North Korea for 'outrageous' attack

Thick smoke billows from South Korean Yeonpyeong island near the border with North Korea.
Thick smoke billows from South Korean Yeonpyeong island near the border with North Korea.
WASHINGTON - President Obama condemned North Korea for its "outrageous" attack on Tuesday and told South Korea the U.S. "stands shoulder to shoulder" with its ally.
Obama called President Lee Myung-Bak on Tuesday after meeting with his national security advisers following North Korea's firing of a volley of shells over the border in the heaviest bombardment since the Korean War ended in 1953.
He told his Korean counterpart he "strongly condemned the attack," and the two leaders agreed to hold joint military exercises and training "in the days ahead," a White House statement said. The President also pledged to work with the international community to rein in the communist country.
Obama's comments come amid a rising chorus of condemnation for North Korea's actions, including from the top U.S. general in South Korea.
United Nations chief Ban Ki-moon called it "one of the gravest incidents since the Korean War" - and South Korea threatened "enormous retaliation."
Two South Korean marines were killed, and at least 16 other military personnel and three civilians were wounded when the North unleashed an hour-long midafternoon artillery barrage on Yeonpyeong Island in contested waters off South Korea's west coast. The North said South Korean naval forces, who were conducting nine days of live-fire exercises in the area, provoked the attack.
"It is our traditional military countermeasure to punish perpetrator's fire with a thunderbolt of fire," said a statement from Pyongyang.
About 50 rounds hit the island, destroying several structures at a military base and setting fires in the hillsides. Dozens more rounds fell into the sea, South Korean news agencies reported.
"I thought I would die," said Lee Chun-ok, 54, an islander who was watching TV in her home when the shelling began and blasted away a door and a wall. "I was really, really terrified," she told The Associated Press after being evacuated to the port city of Incheon.
South Korean batteries responded with about 80 rounds of 155-millimeter long-range artillery that raked North Korean coastal areas. Seoul also scrambled F-16 fighter-bombers to fly over the island.
South Korean President Lee Myung-bak met with his generals in an underground bunker in Seoul. He then put his military on high alert and ordered the air force to take out North Korean missile bases if the North renews the attack.
"Indiscriminate attacks on civilians are a grave matter," he told the Yonhap news agency. "I think enormous retaliation is going to be necessary to make North Korea incapable of provoking us again." The U.S. scrambled to prevent a lethal escalation across the world's most heavily fortified border.
"I want to ensure you that this is isolated to the Northwest Island area," Gen. Walter Sharp, commander of the 8th Army and combined U.S. and South Korean forces, said in a message to the 28,000 U.S. troops poised near the Demilitarized Zone.
Several analysts speculated that the latest incident is an attempt by the North to force an easing of economic sanctions during the rocky succession to power of Kim Jong Un, the 26-year-old son of ailing dictator Kim Jong Il.
"My guess is that the North Koreans would like to keep everyone else off balance while they sort out problems at home," said Boston University analyst Michael Corgan.

Read more: http://www.nydailynews.com/news/world/2010/11/23/2010-11-23_s_korea_threatens_air_strikes_as_us_moves_to_prevent_escalation_of_violence_with.html#ixzz16C6dhTTQ
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